Thursday, April 8, 2010

Monday January 4th, 2.5 weeks old

Our first Christmas, dressed up at 9pm and took a pic to commemorate the very quiet sleepy day.

A few days old in Japantown after a Dr visit.

A thank you to the Elvis Team

Fantastic growth, eating and sleeping has Arlo pulling me this way and that with hands and mouth, really trying to take control, but not really knowing how. On tummy time today and yesterday he managed a small push up and is turning his head from side to side. It all seems to be going so fast!

We enjoyed a relaxing feeding in the tub this morning and then paid Killie and her boys a visit, and somehow left with another carload of gear. We have been so blessed with a ton of hand-me-downs to where we really haven’t had to buy much. In fact, we already have donated some extras as we are overloaded with gear at this point. Arlo already doesn’t fit into some of the newborn wear at over 9 pounds, possibly 10 by now.

Erin and Rick and PJ all came down this past week and we had a wonderful relaxing time with them. We babysat on Friday (New year’s eve) and they sat for us on Saturday night. Feeling crafty, I made a few bear hats for PJ and Arlo- very cute. Mom and Dad came down and spent a day with the cousins in action, a lot of fun, and we had a nice trip to the Observatory. We’ve been adventurous about getting out, almost every other day in fact, out to some restaurants, Japantown, and Markus even took Val and Arlo on a walk together. Looks like a very mellow week for us this week. Perhaps more silly art-directed pictures.

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