Friday, January 14, 2011

WHAT- 6 months!

Well, Arlo is the good stuff that takes me away from my work, and pleasure, and new blog. Now over 13 months old, running around the house and has his #9 and 10 teeth coming in. It's been an amazing 6 months since I have blogged, a lot of good work, crawling, an EU vacation, first words, first steps, a First Birthday, the Holidays and a trip to Mexico, I jotted a few notes here and there, kept meaning to sit down and type it all in...

....but rather than play catch up, I will just report today was special. He was nodding "YES" for the first time. "NO" has been an easy one for months, almost a game, but this was a good solid head nod. Also, we had a nice game of roll the ball across the coffee table. A deliberate roll and catch. Very smooth. This is all great growth, but amazingly he was doing all this while suffering a 102 fever as a result of his Chicken Pox vaccine a week ago. He was really in such an upbeat mood despite the fever. He was dashing across the room, weak and out of breath, would rest his upper body on the chair, and then go again, until he collapsed and fell asleep. What a trooper. Not even a fuss. Poor guy. It had been a long while since he had just fallen asleep in my arms. I love it.