Saturday, May 1, 2010

Flippin' Great

We found Arlo outside his tent the other morning. I had put him in to chill for a few minutes when Markus called me in. He had not only rolled, but pulled out and over the scooped opening and onto the newly cushioned floor. A day later, he's not on his back for less than 5 seconds without flipping over. Ahh, power.

He watches my finger on the pad on my computer. He mimics the movement with his hand and stares at the screen- like a zombie-mouth agape and eyes blinkless. Scary. We used to call the TV the Boob Tube. I propose this new child/techno world as the Computer Coma. I gave him raspberries yesterday, today he gave them back. Mimicry has begun.

As if having a bambino doesn't make you nostalgic, the iPhone is going to make you love your childhood all over again. For like $5 the Hipstamatic app is just as important to me as a child safety seat or fresh wipes. You see why, samples below. Filling good phone pics with emotion and romance to last forever. That silly camera phone is silly no more.



Plan and Side Views

At dog training class

and the Farmer's Market....

At a birthday party chilling with a cold one.

Sleeping in. What a weekend!